21 Moorfield, London

21 Moorfield, London

The fuel control system to be delivered at 21 Moorfield Street consists of five day tank panels and two bulk tank panels. They are assigned as one panel per tank.

The day tank panels are designed to monitor the day tank fuel levels, fire alarms, E-stops, leak signals and fuel valves and to control the automatic or manual fuel filling process for each individual day tank.

The bulk tank panels are designed to monitor the bulk tank fuel levels, fire alarms, E-stops, leak signals, valves and to control the fuel pumps. There are two pumps per bulk tank panel configured to work in a primary/backup basis. 

The day tank and bulk tank panels are electrically interconnected, its functionality being totally independent from the generator PLC system so in the event of a scheduled PLC maintenance work, the fuel system would still be fully operational.

The fuel system is integrated in our SCADA and shares information with the main PLC and other third-party systems.